Helping Clients Heal

Together we will do more than treat your symptoms; we will identify what is causing them to help you heal fully from the inside out.

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Types of Therapy

My Approach to Helping You Heal

My goal is to use my psychotherapy knowledge and skills to help my clients gain acceptance, understanding and compassion; to guide and support them through their process of healing and finding peace of mind.

  • Attachment Theory

    I focus a lot of my work on Attachment Theory. I believe that our primary attachments, which occurs in our family of origin, play a huge role in the formation of our personalities. While mainstream mental health is based on a disease, or medical model, identifying diagnosis of mental disorders and treating symptoms, I am convinced that we know a great deal about what causes emotional and psychological distress. Early attachment wounds are often key to understanding ourselves, and healing from them goes a long way.

  • Somatic Experience

    I incorporate other systems and knowledge bases into my work. I am impressed with the somatic work done through Somatic Experience, developed by psychologist Peter Levine. This strikes me as essential work in helping people heal from trauma. Somatic therapy operates under the understanding that trauma is energy that is stuck in our bodies and gets triggered in somatic ways. Helping clients to reach inside and identify where in their body they are holding tension, exploring where that tension might come from and working with them on ways to release that stuck energy can provide an wonderful sense of release.

  • Internal Family Systems

    I am also impressed and learning more about Internal Family Systems, developed by psychologist Richard Swartz. This has become very popular recently. This theory applies a systems model to the individual, acknowledging that we all have different parts: protector parts, and manager parts that work to keep us safe and protect us from unpleasant inner wounds, which tend to be exiled, disowned. When the manager and other protector parts are ineffective, we call in firefighters, such as drugs, alcohol, sex, work - things that may be more effective in keeping our emotional wounds away. The problem is that the wounds do not go away no matter how hard we pretend. IFS holds that we all have a true self, that is independent of all other parts, and works to help the client trust and develop this self, and use it to heal, by getting the other parts to back off and allow our true self to blossom and address the inner wounds and integrating our experiences in a process of healing.

  • Solution Focused Hypnotheraphy

    I do Solution Focused Hypnotheraphy, a process of guiding the client into a trance state, by winding stories and making connections relavant to the client's life and situation. This is not hypnotherapy where the therapist controls the person, rather I speak in a soft voice to the client's unconscious mind, helping the client allow his conscious wandering mind to drift away. This is a very relaxing process and works well as a treatment for anxiety. It was developed by reknown psychiatrist Milton Erickson. I learned it from Bill O'Hanlon, who was taught by Dr. Erickson. Dr. Erickson was famous for developing what was considered unacceptable orthodox but very effective treatments along with SFH. It has been used for treating various forms of anxiety and depression, and even for curing worts.

  • Couples Emotional Focused Therapy

    I use Emotional Focused Therapy with couples. Psychologist Susan Johnson spent years developing this work, based on attachment theory. Everyone carries their individual baggage of wounds and beliefs into a relationship, and they play out throughout the relationship. Feeling safe in a relationship to speak our minds, to say, sincerely, this is my experience, this is what it felt like for me in a certain situation is key. It may come from my family of origin or something else. Then to have this honest expression of our true feelings be received with acceptance, understanding and compassion and to have our partner reciprocate draws couples together and reduces the tension between them.

Headshot photo of larry standing outside his office

Meet Lawrence

Develop a Passion For Life and Love For Yourself

After receiving my Bachelor's degree in sociology from Michigan State University, I obtained my Master's in Social Work from Sacramento State University. Since 1984, I have worked in social services throughout Butte and Glenn counties helping both individuals and families with a variety of challenges. During this time, I served as a social service and admission director for nursing homes as well as an adoptions specialist for California Department of Social Services. In 2005, I received my clinical license and entered private practice shortly thereafter. My goal is to challenge clients to find themselves and develop a passion for life and love of themselves. I work to keep my knowledge current and strive to help clients heal and adopt new ways to enhance their lives.

My Novels

Finding an Outlet for Mental Health

The latest research on how our nervous system works was released in a groundbreaking book a few years ago, entitled "The Polyvogal Theory," by neuropsychologist Steven Porges. It compiled years of research on the autonomic nervous system. What the researchers found is that we function in three emotional states: the ventral state is our highest functioning state. That is when we are feeling in complete balance, cool, calm and collected and thinking at our best. But we cannot remain there all the time because things happen. When our body senses a threat, we drop into our sympathetic state, that is our mobilization state, flight or fight. Everything in our body tenses up. This is where anxiety lives. When this is not effective, we can drop down into our demobilization state, called the dorsal state. This is when the body shuts down and is where depression lives.

The best way to navigate out of sympathetic or dorsal (anxiety or depression) is through access to our ventral state. What I have discovered is that having a passion like writing or playing music may not solve all our problems, but can put us into a ventral state and provide us with an outlet to be better able to navigate out of the other lower states. My writing builds confidence through allowing my creativity and imagination to unfold through the process of having an idea and developing and seeing it evolve into an interesting story. Seeing the plot and characters evolve instills pleasure and a sense of meaning and accomplishment. What I get from the writing carries over to my work and other aspects of my life. I find that writing is a perfect way to connect with my inner thoughts and emotions.

blue guitar leaning against a guitar amp

Rock Star

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Rock Star

blue guitar leaning against a guitar amp

"Rock Star" is a story of a gifted young musician living during the early days of classic rock. While there are numerous biographies of rock stars, my book is a personal story of self-discovery as the main character, Lee Lewis, learns that being a gifted musician is not all there is to success. The story follows Lee's life from growing up in a tough Brooklyn neighborhood to finally making it as lead guitarist for a popular rock band.Yet, emotional problems from his past come back to haunt him and nearly cause him his life. It takes a near death experience for Lee to find peace with his music and in his life.

black and white photo of a path through a foggy park

Murder In The Park

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Murder in the Park

black and white photo of a path through a foggy park

A young man is a victim of a senseless murder in the park of a small town in New York state. The book explores the impact of the murder on friends and family of the victim. It is full of contradictions, where the innocent are guilty and the guilty are innocent. Justice is a nebulous thing.

A hand writing in a journal

Catalina's Adventure

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Catalina's Adventure

A hand writing in a journal

This is a story of political intrigue that takes place in Guatemala in the 1970s. Catalina Blake is an investigative journalist, who has written about US involvement in Central America. One day her estranged father contacts her and involves her in a adventure to help rescue his brother, a radical priest who has become the object of attention of the government. Accused of being a communist, he is hiding out in the Guatemala jungle. Catalina's father was coerced into becoming an asset for the US security state, which is why he became estranged from his family. He is now acting as a double agent, using his role with the government and Catalina, to save his brother and get him to safety in Cuba.

A yellow bicycle surrounded by fallen leaves

The Girl On The Yellow Bicycle

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The Girl On The Yellow Bicycle

A yellow bicycle surrounded by fallen leaves

This is the story of a troubled Mexican woman who comes from drug cartel family, where women are oppressed. She is consumed with shame and fearful of love and true intimacy. She rides a yellow bicycle around town and gains the attention of an American writer, who falls in love with her and tries to help her escape her past.

  • 1660 Humboldt Road, Suite 3
    Chico, CA 95928

  • License Number
    LCSW 22194